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“Oh shoot, my current domain name for my website is way too confusing for my viewers! What should I do? I built my entire website around it!”

“I want to build an entirely new website and keep my previous domain name!” 

Don’t panic! You’re not alone. There are countless reasons your website’s current domain name might no longer serve you (pun intended).

Good news! You don’t have to create a new website with a totally different domain name! You can always purchase a better domain name and then use domain forwarding or a URL redirect (also sometimes known as URL forwarding) to send viewers to your old site, under a new domain name. Or you can send viewers to your new site, via your old domain name.

If you want to change your website’s domain name or rebrand your website, this is where domain forwarding or URL redirects heroically come in.

What is Domain Forwarding or a URL Redirect?

Domain Forwarding is when a domain name takes you to a completely different domain. This usually happens when a company rebrands or is acquired by a larger company.

The best example of this is when FaceBook purchased the domain “” as a shorter version of their “” You can try for yourself, when you type “” you are forwarded to “”.

Note that URL redirecting is not to be confused with Domain Forwarding. A URL redirect (or URL forwarding) is the process of directing one URL to a different URL. This means that when someone types in the original URL, they are automatically redirected to the new URL.

 A redirect is typically used when a website changes a URL or if the old URL is no longer relevant and the website owner wants viewers to land on a different page.


Different Types of URL Redirects

Most domain hosts offer domain forwarding with a very simple setup. As for redirecting, there are several types of URL redirects. The most commonly used types of URL forwarding or URL redirects include:

301 Redirect

A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect that indicates that the original URL has permanently moved to a new location. This type of redirect is the most commonly used and recommended by search engines. When you use a 301 redirect, search engines transfer the search ranking and page authority from the original URL to the new URL.

302 Redirect

A 302 redirect is a temporary redirect that indicates that the original URL has temporarily moved to a new location. This type of redirect is used when a website is undergoing maintenance or when the original URL is expected to return in the future.

Meta Refresh Redirect

When researching URL redirects, you might come across something called a Meta Refresh Redirect. This is a more advanced, and controversial, redirect.

It’s a type of redirect that uses a Meta tag to automatically redirect the user to a new URL after a specified amount of time. This type of redirect is not recommended by search engines because it can be used to manipulate search rankings and can be confused as spam.

If you’re looking for a basic redirect allowing your viewers to open your new website on your old domain name, it’s better to avoid this route and stick to a 301 or 302 redirect. 

Why is Domain Forwarding or a URL Redirect Important?

Domain forwarding or a URL redirect is important for several reasons, including:

1. Preserving Search Engine Rankings

The most critical reason for utilizing domain forwarding or a URL redirect is to maintain your existing search engine rankings.

When you change your website’s domain name or rebrand your website, you risk losing your search engine rankings. By implementing URL forwarding or URL redirect, you can transfer your search engine rankings and page authority from the old URL to the new URL.

This ensures that the search engines continue to find and index your website and your website’s rankings do not fall.

2. Protecting User Experience

Domain forwarding or a URL redirect can help your viewers have a seamless user experience on your website.

When someone types in the old domain or URL, they will be automatically redirected to the new URL, allowing them to continue to access your website the way they always have. With a better domain name, you can help prevent your visitors from getting lost or frustrated while trying to find your website. You are able to still offer the same experience on your current site.

3. Preventing Broken Links

Domain forwarding or a URL redirect can also prevent broken links.

When someone clicks on a link to your old URL, they will be automatically redirected to the new URL, assuring that the link still works. This helps to prevent broken links from appearing on your website, which can irritate your visitors and negatively impact your search engine rankings.

4. Safeguarding Your Website’s Reputation

Domain forwarding or a URL redirect can help safeguard your website’s reputation.

If you have a website with multiple inbound links, changing your domain name without implementing URL forwarding or URL redirect can result in broken links. This can harm your website’s reputation and result in lost customers and revenue.

By using URL forwarding or redirects, you can protect your inbound links and maintain your website’s reputability.

5. Tracking Website Traffic

Using a simple domain forward or URL redirect can also help you track website traffic more accurately.

By redirecting traffic from the old URL to the new URL, you can track all the traffic to your website in one place, giving you a better understanding of your website’s performance. Having accurate data to analyze can help you optimize your website.

Get a better domain name without the headache

Ultimately, using a basic domain forward or URL redirect can enable a simple workaround for things like having an outdated domain name, etc. It allows you to change your website’s domain name or rebrand your website without adversely impacting your search engine rankings, user experience, rapport, or website traffic.

By using domain forwarding or a URL redirect, you can keep your website accessible and functional, which is essential for maintaining your website’s online presence and credibility.

If you plan to change your website’s domain name or rebrand your website, consider utilizing domain forwarding or a URL redirect to avoid interruptions to your site and unintended disruptions to your viewers. We always recommend top-level domains like .com or .org when choosing a new domain.
Consider a premium domain to really boost your brand, advertising, marketability, searchability and visibility. For a fantastic domain, flexible hosting and security options, and extraordinary customer support, TierraNet has you covered! And we’re happy to help you set up domain forwarding or URL redirects!